reeving beetle中文什么意思

发音:   用"reeving beetle"造句
  • reeve:    n. 【动物;动物学】雌流苏鹬 〔c ...
  • beetle:    adj. 突出的;愁眉苦脸的。 vi ...
  • reeving:    滑车装绳; 绕索轮
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  1. The dominant saprophagous insect are the ants , rove beetles and blattella germanica linnaeus
  2. The ants " quantity is 2203 , and whose dominance index is 0 . 2832 . the quantit y of the rove beetles of the coleoptera is 1619 , and whose dominance index is 0 . 2081 . the pyralids moths and outlet moths of the lepidoptera , the leafhoppers of the homoptera , the darking beetles of coleptera and blow flies of the diptera take the dominant place in moderate insect community
    中性昆虫群落中,以膜翅目蚁科种类及数量最多,其群落数量为2203头,优势度指数为0 . 2832 ;其次是鞘翅目隐翅甲昆虫,数量为1619头,优势度指数为0 . 2081 ;再次是鳞翅目的螟蛾、夜蛾,同翅目的叶蝉,鞘翅目的拟步甲,双翅目的丽蝇等昆虫。


  1. reevesiatomentosa 什么意思
  2. reevesii 什么意思
  3. reevesite 什么意思
  4. reeving 什么意思
  5. reeving (or bottom) line 什么意思
  6. reeving bowsprit 什么意思
  7. reeving line 什么意思
  8. reeving line bend 什么意思
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  10. reexamination 什么意思


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